Today, our business teacher,Mr. Ho taught us few types of marketing in the world. He said that marketing is nt oni selling n advertising but oso include others too. So in his slide he show a good example to show different types of marketing ways. He use a boy went to a party n saw a gorgeous gal so he try to market himself so the gal will marry her.
So the first slide:
The boy go forward to the gal n said: " I'm rich. Can you Marry me? "
So this is call Direct Marketing.
The second slide:
The boy's friends go to the gal n said: " He is very rich. So marry her!"
This type is call advertising of marketing.
The third slide:
The boy go to the gal n take her hp no. When she reach home, he call her n said: "I am veri rich. Can you marry me?"
This type is called tele-marketing.
Fourth slide :
The boy go infront the gal n said to her : " I am rich. Can you marry me ?"
This type of marketing is called customer feedback.
HAHAHAHAHA.... So lame... still got some bt we nt rmb, we think this few are the most funny wan de... Then we L4 create a new one.
L4 slide:
The boy go infront the gal n said : " Can i bring you home?"
Then they have 'bed exercise'. After tat , the boy said " I am rich. Can you marry me? "
This is called perfomance feedback.
So Lame... If u wan to use this to teach ur frenz pls use it... is veri useful.... the others one we will take from our teacher n post up in another day. HEHEHE
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Fair n dark
Today, in our Business Studies Tutorial Class, Mr. Ho made an unremarkable lame jokes.
No one will believe it how lame he is.
We were discussiong the question in workbook, so he decided to call ppl out to write their answer on the white board. So he said: " Winnie the Pooh shirt wan come out write(Eunice Foo) "
Eunice: " don't want, another ppl la."
He said: " OK, Tarc collegue shirt" ( gt two one is Elyse n another is Jo Wen)
Elyse answer: " why me ?"
Lame four behind said: " don't want me , then call Mee Hun lol"
He said: " Don't like tis u answer la, so clever you"
Then, he call Elyse to answer Eunice question, Elyse nt happy n said: " Teacher, you nt fair la"
Then Mr. Ho said: " I sure nt fair la, see my skin so dark le"
Then the whole class laughed, we the lame four laughed the loudest.....
No doubt he will made this lame jokes in the class, so pro.
You noe why he so lame, because of us la-Lame Four....
No one will believe it how lame he is.
We were discussiong the question in workbook, so he decided to call ppl out to write their answer on the white board. So he said: " Winnie the Pooh shirt wan come out write(Eunice Foo) "
Eunice: " don't want, another ppl la."
He said: " OK, Tarc collegue shirt" ( gt two one is Elyse n another is Jo Wen)
Elyse answer: " why me ?"
Lame four behind said: " don't want me , then call Mee Hun lol"
He said: " Don't like tis u answer la, so clever you"
Then, he call Elyse to answer Eunice question, Elyse nt happy n said: " Teacher, you nt fair la"
Then Mr. Ho said: " I sure nt fair la, see my skin so dark le"
Then the whole class laughed, we the lame four laughed the loudest.....
No doubt he will made this lame jokes in the class, so pro.
You noe why he so lame, because of us la-Lame Four....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Funny N Lame Horoscope Story
This horoscope story is in chinese version, so we want to apologize to those don't know chinese.
妈妈经常叮嘱羊羊∶ " 穿裙子时不可以荡秋千;不然,会被小男生看到里面的小内裤哦! "
有一天,羊羊高兴地对妈妈说∶ " 今天我和小明比赛荡秋千,我赢了! "
妈妈生气地说∶ " 不是告诉过你吗?穿裙子时不要荡秋千! "
羊羊骄傲地说∶ " 可是我好聪明哦!我把里面的小内裤脱掉了,这样他就看不到我的小内裤了! "
卖瓜小贩∶ " 快来吃西瓜,不甜不要钱! "
饥渴的牛牛∶ " 哇!太好了,老板,来个不甜的! "
妈妈叫双双起床∶ " 快点起来!公鸡都叫好几遍了! "
双双说∶ " 公鸡叫和我有什么关系?我又不是母鸡! "
公车上,蟹蟹说∶ " 今晚我要和妈妈睡! "
妈妈问道∶ " 你将来娶了媳妇也和妈妈睡阿? "
蟹蟹不假思索∶ " 嗯! "
妈妈又问∶ " 那你媳妇怎么办? "
蟹蟹想了半天,说∶ " 好办,让她跟爸爸睡! "
妈妈∶ " !@#$%□&*( ……□"
狮狮去参加奶奶的寿宴。到了吃寿包的时候,狮狮问∶ " 我们为什么要吃这种象屁股的寿包? "
接着狮狮拨开寿包,看看里面的豆沙,说∶ " 奶奶,快看!里面还有大便! "
爸爸把脐带连着胎儿与母体的道理简单地讲了一下,说∶ " 婴儿离开母体之后,医生把脐带减断,并打了一个结,后来就成了肚脐。 "
处处∶ " 那医生为什么不打个蝴蝶结? "
父亲对天天说∶ " 今天不要上学了,昨晚...你妈给你生了两个弟弟。你给老师说一下就行了。 "
天天却回答∶ " 爸爸,我只说生了一个;另一个,我想留着下星期不想上时再说!"
他起来赶蚊子,却怎么也赶不出去。没法,便指着蚊子说∶ " 好吧,你不出去我出去! "
边说边出了房间,把门使劲关严得意地说∶ " 哼!我今晚不进屋,非把你饿死不可! "
射射∶ " 爸爸,为什么你有那么多白头发? "
爸爸∶ " 因为你不乖,所以爸爸有好多白头发阿。 "
射射∶ …… (疑惑中)
射射∶ " 那为什么爷爷全部都是白头发? "
爸爸∶!@#$%□&*( ……
妈妈拉过羯羯的小手,说∶ " 下雨了,快往前跑阿! "
羯羯慢条斯理地问∶ " 那前面就不下雨喽!? "
瓶瓶问妈妈∶ " 问什么称蒋先生为『先人』? "
妈妈说∶ " 因为 ' 先人 ' 是对死去的人的称呼。 "
瓶瓶说∶ " 那去世的奶奶是不是要叫『鲜奶』? "
爸爸给鱼鱼讲小时候经常挨饿的事。 听完后,鱼鱼两眼含泪,十分同情地问∶ " 哦,爸爸,你是因为没饭吃才来我们家的吗? "
HOPE you all Like it... Taken from Johnny Blog....
妈妈经常叮嘱羊羊∶ " 穿裙子时不可以荡秋千;不然,会被小男生看到里面的小内裤哦! "
有一天,羊羊高兴地对妈妈说∶ " 今天我和小明比赛荡秋千,我赢了! "
妈妈生气地说∶ " 不是告诉过你吗?穿裙子时不要荡秋千! "
羊羊骄傲地说∶ " 可是我好聪明哦!我把里面的小内裤脱掉了,这样他就看不到我的小内裤了! "
卖瓜小贩∶ " 快来吃西瓜,不甜不要钱! "
饥渴的牛牛∶ " 哇!太好了,老板,来个不甜的! "
妈妈叫双双起床∶ " 快点起来!公鸡都叫好几遍了! "
双双说∶ " 公鸡叫和我有什么关系?我又不是母鸡! "
公车上,蟹蟹说∶ " 今晚我要和妈妈睡! "
妈妈问道∶ " 你将来娶了媳妇也和妈妈睡阿? "
蟹蟹不假思索∶ " 嗯! "
妈妈又问∶ " 那你媳妇怎么办? "
蟹蟹想了半天,说∶ " 好办,让她跟爸爸睡! "
妈妈∶ " !@#$%□&*( ……□"
狮狮去参加奶奶的寿宴。到了吃寿包的时候,狮狮问∶ " 我们为什么要吃这种象屁股的寿包? "
接着狮狮拨开寿包,看看里面的豆沙,说∶ " 奶奶,快看!里面还有大便! "
爸爸把脐带连着胎儿与母体的道理简单地讲了一下,说∶ " 婴儿离开母体之后,医生把脐带减断,并打了一个结,后来就成了肚脐。 "
处处∶ " 那医生为什么不打个蝴蝶结? "
父亲对天天说∶ " 今天不要上学了,昨晚...你妈给你生了两个弟弟。你给老师说一下就行了。 "
天天却回答∶ " 爸爸,我只说生了一个;另一个,我想留着下星期不想上时再说!"
他起来赶蚊子,却怎么也赶不出去。没法,便指着蚊子说∶ " 好吧,你不出去我出去! "
边说边出了房间,把门使劲关严得意地说∶ " 哼!我今晚不进屋,非把你饿死不可! "
射射∶ " 爸爸,为什么你有那么多白头发? "
爸爸∶ " 因为你不乖,所以爸爸有好多白头发阿。 "
射射∶ …… (疑惑中)
射射∶ " 那为什么爷爷全部都是白头发? "
爸爸∶!@#$%□&*( ……
妈妈拉过羯羯的小手,说∶ " 下雨了,快往前跑阿! "
羯羯慢条斯理地问∶ " 那前面就不下雨喽!? "
瓶瓶问妈妈∶ " 问什么称蒋先生为『先人』? "
妈妈说∶ " 因为 ' 先人 ' 是对死去的人的称呼。 "
瓶瓶说∶ " 那去世的奶奶是不是要叫『鲜奶』? "
爸爸给鱼鱼讲小时候经常挨饿的事。 听完后,鱼鱼两眼含泪,十分同情地问∶ " 哦,爸爸,你是因为没饭吃才来我们家的吗? "
HOPE you all Like it... Taken from Johnny Blog....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tanjung Rambutan/Nanas/Durian....
This happen yesterday during econ class. Jeff n Johnny were making jokes wit Vino(AN10A group creator) bout her dress yesterday. Jeff said : " Vino, ur dress like NS shirt la"
Vino said: " No la, tis wan darker la, NS wan lighter"
Johnny said: " I noe, because Vino rank is higher lol. Hahaha... "
Then , the three of them laugh. Then Jeff saying something Vino laught till can control herself, Eunice beside her said: " Vino, you gila liao a! "
Johnny said : " Vino, ada makan ubat ma ?"
Jeff said: " OMG, she forgot lel"
Vino laugh again, can control herself le.
Johnny said : " I must call the Tanjung Rambutan le "
Jeff quickly lame n said : " Dun wan Tanjung Rambutan, Gt tanjung Nanas ma?"
Then,Johnny n Jeff laugh n giv each other a HIGH 5!!
Jeff said: " Vino, what fruit u like ?"
Vino said: " erm... Durian maybe."
Johnny said: " OK, call Tanjung Durian"
HAHAHAHAHA.... Damn LAME la!!!
LAME >.<
Addtional lame jokes :
What animal like to smell underwear ?
Ans: Leopard, because u gt listen be4 PUMA underwear ma. The leopard logo is stick wit the underwear wan.... HAHAHA>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<
Vino said: " No la, tis wan darker la, NS wan lighter"
Johnny said: " I noe, because Vino rank is higher lol. Hahaha... "
Then , the three of them laugh. Then Jeff saying something Vino laught till can control herself, Eunice beside her said: " Vino, you gila liao a! "
Johnny said : " Vino, ada makan ubat ma ?"
Jeff said: " OMG, she forgot lel"
Vino laugh again, can control herself le.
Johnny said : " I must call the Tanjung Rambutan le "
Jeff quickly lame n said : " Dun wan Tanjung Rambutan, Gt tanjung Nanas ma?"
Then,Johnny n Jeff laugh n giv each other a HIGH 5!!
Jeff said: " Vino, what fruit u like ?"
Vino said: " erm... Durian maybe."
Johnny said: " OK, call Tanjung Durian"
HAHAHAHAHA.... Damn LAME la!!!
LAME >.<
Addtional lame jokes :
What animal like to smell underwear ?
Ans: Leopard, because u gt listen be4 PUMA underwear ma. The leopard logo is stick wit the underwear wan.... HAHAHA>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<
Friday, September 25, 2009
ICE-CREAM & NASI LEMAK------------------信心
Today in our business studies class, Mr. Ho taught us about training for workers which are induction training, on job training, off job training. So when he discuss finish , he ask us ' why some firm don't provide training to workers'.
So everyone gave their answer veri well. During he explaination, he gave example that NASI LEMAK Seller no need training. So Ah Weng (AN10C guy) said out that : " Teacher, nasi lemak seller can train them sell nasi lemak witout lemak de wan ma" Then, the whole class laugh. HEHEHEHEHE!!! ( We gt lame frenz le-ah weng)
Then we the L4 taught of another wan. Johnny said: " Hey, Jeff u rmb last time we go buy ice-cream at tyo car that time"
Jeff said: " Rmb with terence they all wan ma"
Johnny said: "Ya, he said to the person sell ice-cream wan--Kak, saya mahu ice-cream , tapi kak bagi punya tak ada ice. then the person stunt n laugh."
HAHAHA, we th L4 laugh out. HEHEHE...
Jeff said : " still gt later u tell terence next time go buy that time said wan ice-cream dun wan cream."
The next wan is a chinese version of lame stuff happen in econ class. While we were copying notes from OHP, Kian Fatt (assistant monitor) said: " 今天, 我好像没有信心."
Johnny said: " 没有啊, 因为你没有把你的心放进信里,赶快放啦."
Then everyone laugh even the other gang oso. HAHAHAHA....
LAME @.@
So everyone gave their answer veri well. During he explaination, he gave example that NASI LEMAK Seller no need training. So Ah Weng (AN10C guy) said out that : " Teacher, nasi lemak seller can train them sell nasi lemak witout lemak de wan ma" Then, the whole class laugh. HEHEHEHEHE!!! ( We gt lame frenz le-ah weng)
Then we the L4 taught of another wan. Johnny said: " Hey, Jeff u rmb last time we go buy ice-cream at tyo car that time"
Jeff said: " Rmb with terence they all wan ma"
Johnny said: "Ya, he said to the person sell ice-cream wan--Kak, saya mahu ice-cream , tapi kak bagi punya tak ada ice. then the person stunt n laugh."
HAHAHA, we th L4 laugh out. HEHEHE...
Jeff said : " still gt later u tell terence next time go buy that time said wan ice-cream dun wan cream."
The next wan is a chinese version of lame stuff happen in econ class. While we were copying notes from OHP, Kian Fatt (assistant monitor) said: " 今天, 我好像没有信心."
Johnny said: " 没有啊, 因为你没有把你的心放进信里,赶快放啦."
Then everyone laugh even the other gang oso. HAHAHAHA....
LAME @.@
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Today in Econ Class, Miss Hoo teaches us about the topic 5 n topic 6. When she teach till a part, she said this year she have longer time in semester 1 so she can teache us till topic 7. Usually she taught the old student topic 7 in semester 2.
So at this time, she was so happy n said: "This year i gt a longer time to teach you till topic 7, so will be faster for u all to finish everything."
Then Loong said : " Huh???? This year n last year nt hav the same length of time de ma, why teacher said this year longer the??"
Jeff said: " O... Because this year wan nt short lol, so is long lol. N another meaning is that this year student is longer lol.(understand it in negative way)"
Then we the lame four laugh shit.... HAHAHHAHA
Then after skool , we went to gym n badminton with the AN10B students. ( This part is a bit dirty jokes , so pls forgive us, we just wan to share our happiness)
While we were playing badminton, the shuttle's feathers drop all, so we were so disappointed.
Johnny said: " this cork lost his hair, this cork suck cause no hair." HAHAHAHA
Then they change a new wan, bt the new wan to soft cannot fly.
Jeff quickly said: "This cork more suck, nt strong, mine stronger. Hahahaha...."
Then we saw Kee An sitting there looking at us playing ,
so Jeff N Johnny said : " Kee An , your wan strong rite. Use yours , quick." DIRTY MINDED boyz...
So at this time, she was so happy n said: "This year i gt a longer time to teach you till topic 7, so will be faster for u all to finish everything."
Then Loong said : " Huh???? This year n last year nt hav the same length of time de ma, why teacher said this year longer the??"
Jeff said: " O... Because this year wan nt short lol, so is long lol. N another meaning is that this year student is longer lol.(understand it in negative way)"
Then we the lame four laugh shit.... HAHAHHAHA
Then after skool , we went to gym n badminton with the AN10B students. ( This part is a bit dirty jokes , so pls forgive us, we just wan to share our happiness)
While we were playing badminton, the shuttle's feathers drop all, so we were so disappointed.
Johnny said: " this cork lost his hair, this cork suck cause no hair." HAHAHAHA
Then they change a new wan, bt the new wan to soft cannot fly.
Jeff quickly said: "This cork more suck, nt strong, mine stronger. Hahahaha...."
Then we saw Kee An sitting there looking at us playing ,
so Jeff N Johnny said : " Kee An , your wan strong rite. Use yours , quick." DIRTY MINDED boyz...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
School Reopen
OMG... Tmr need to go back skool le.... We the L4 gt a bit nt happy n a bit happy lol...
Happy is because can go back to skool n continue to share our lame jokes... hahahaha..... especially johnny, he will be happy cause can go back see the gals in our skool(is true)..... Loong will sing his jay song tmr in skool... hahhaha....
Nt happy is because we miss our holiday veri much la..... Especiall Jeff, he will feel sad cause no time to study le.... Kee an will sad cause no more BB... hehhehee..
So hope to see you all tmr in skool..... Haiz too bad no more use lecture hall le... go back as usual..... haiz.....
Gambateh lol... N to those going exam de... Add more oil, ours full tanks le so donate some to u all.. hehehehe...LAME>.<
Happy is because can go back to skool n continue to share our lame jokes... hahahaha..... especially johnny, he will be happy cause can go back see the gals in our skool(is true)..... Loong will sing his jay song tmr in skool... hahhaha....
Nt happy is because we miss our holiday veri much la..... Especiall Jeff, he will feel sad cause no time to study le.... Kee an will sad cause no more BB... hehhehee..
So hope to see you all tmr in skool..... Haiz too bad no more use lecture hall le... go back as usual..... haiz.....
Gambateh lol... N to those going exam de... Add more oil, ours full tanks le so donate some to u all.. hehehehe...LAME>.<
A lame question
This question is from our frenz , is a bit lame , a bit funny n a bit stupid as while... so pls tune ur frequency be4 u start reading it....
Three man went to a jungle on theri vaccation trip. Unfortunately, they lost in the jungle because they forgot to bring map and compass. So they tried their best to find way out, but they met ORG HUTAN. The ORG HUTAN was so angry with them n want to eat them up. ( ORG HUTAN eat meat meh???? Sori is just a story...) So the three guys were scare so they beg the ORG HUTAN to 'leave them a road' (in cantonese) . So the ORG HUTAN ask them if they wan to stay alive, they have to find a fruit to stuck in their ass-hole(18sx). So the first guy find grapes n stuck in his ass-hole, n he manage to escape. The second one find apples to stuck in his hole. But y at the end the second one die first lel?????
The answer is because the third one bring DURIANS , the second one saw n laugh till died lol... hahahhaa... LAME ... =.= Swt....
HEHEHEHE is still got somemore bt keep it for next post.. u wan continue to see out blog....
Wat is the name of transformer sister??? Transistor lol, dumb ass... hahahahaa...
Three man went to a jungle on theri vaccation trip. Unfortunately, they lost in the jungle because they forgot to bring map and compass. So they tried their best to find way out, but they met ORG HUTAN. The ORG HUTAN was so angry with them n want to eat them up. ( ORG HUTAN eat meat meh???? Sori is just a story...) So the three guys were scare so they beg the ORG HUTAN to 'leave them a road' (in cantonese) . So the ORG HUTAN ask them if they wan to stay alive, they have to find a fruit to stuck in their ass-hole(18sx). So the first guy find grapes n stuck in his ass-hole, n he manage to escape. The second one find apples to stuck in his hole. But y at the end the second one die first lel?????
The answer is because the third one bring DURIANS , the second one saw n laugh till died lol... hahahhaa... LAME ... =.= Swt....
HEHEHEHE is still got somemore bt keep it for next post.. u wan continue to see out blog....
Wat is the name of transformer sister??? Transistor lol, dumb ass... hahahahaa...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
A Male 'KAOING' Gals Comic
This is a comic taken from one of my frenz. Is a adult male 'kaoing'(chasing/pikat) all the gals around him. See how funny is him and overall is quite lame(that is why i post it here).
I want to apologise to those are 'Bananas' and those dun noe chinese. This comic is a chinese version, i felt pity n sorry to u all..... Sori, the next time i will try my best to find english version de.
So enjoy this 'LAME' comic:
I want to apologise to those are 'Bananas' and those dun noe chinese. This comic is a chinese version, i felt pity n sorry to u all..... Sori, the next time i will try my best to find english version de.
So enjoy this 'LAME' comic:
Total 11 of 'LAME' Comic... I hope u all like it... If u wan to save or take this picture u can do so. But at least inform me or said thank you in the comment box or chat box....
What a lame comic!!! HAHAHAHA>.<
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Cheap Food in BBQ Plaza
We, the lame four went to BBQ Plaza at Times Square yesterday... We lazy to go to our maths n econ class cause everyone nt going to the class, go back hometown wan oso ponteng, some always ponteng wan oso ponteng... SO we the good boys decide to ponteng as while... Finally, left 7 AN10A in the class lol.. HAHAHA.... Kesian Vino n the gang... >.<
See what we eat is so delicious lol.... the important wan is cheaper, each person RM20 nt like last time we went desa park city so expensive lol.. Cool lel!!! U see the receipt ur self la>>>>>
See what we eat is so delicious lol.... the important wan is cheaper, each person RM20 nt like last time we went desa park city so expensive lol.. Cool lel!!! U see the receipt ur self la>>>>>
FOUR person eat lel>>>>>
We have fun there, so happy cause we were making lame jokes as while... too bad we forgot to giv the student ID , if not get 20% discount=RM16+..... Nvm... we giv them ... hahhaa..
While we were eating , we have to bbq our food so, we put all the meat on top... The stupid n clever to find ppl stupid ( 找人笨) Kee An, always take Johnny food n he sendiri dun wan to put himself lol... So Johnny, Jeff n Long were so angry at him, n scold him gao gao lol.. HAHHAHA>.<
Then we block him from eating the 'LAME' meat lol... hahaha...
Noe wat is 'LAME' meat, it means lamb lol... gt see I am Nt stupid , you will noe de... hahahaa...
Then we talk to the waiter, we wan to add 'lame' meat, bt he said is too expensive lol...
Johnny said: my 'Lame' meat is free de.... So no need urs... hahahaa....
so the following are some picture we took at there....
See all the meat... :-)
Jeff N Long
Johnny N Kee An
Friday, September 18, 2009
Today in our business studies class, we were listening to what teacher teaches in the class. The teacher name is Ho Way Ciang (HWC). He is the lame teacher in our school. In the class, he gave us the topic 18 notes and call us to see while listen to his explaination. During his explaination, he said: " This one you can see in your notes, so go back read yourselves"
Jeff said: " Teacher where got o? U blind a! " (Sure dun hav la, cause teacher not God ma, got=GOD)
HWC said: " ooo, sori ah , forgot put in le, you all copy down la."
Johnny said : " Teacher, really need to copy ah? "
HWC said: " yes la, faster copy... dont talk le. "
Johnny said: " Teacher , we dont wan KOPI(copy) can ah?"
Lame four said : "We wan tea"
HAHAHAHAA...... SO lame.... >.<
I think nt many ppl understand gua, talk more lame jokes u will like us so lame de... hehehehe...
Jeff said: " Teacher where got o? U blind a! " (Sure dun hav la, cause teacher not God ma, got=GOD)
HWC said: " ooo, sori ah , forgot put in le, you all copy down la."
Johnny said : " Teacher, really need to copy ah? "
HWC said: " yes la, faster copy... dont talk le. "
Johnny said: " Teacher , we dont wan KOPI(copy) can ah?"
Lame four said : "We wan tea"
HAHAHAHAA...... SO lame.... >.<
I think nt many ppl understand gua, talk more lame jokes u will like us so lame de... hehehehe...
Introduction of Lame Four
Hi, we are the Lame Four. This team consist of 4 people who studying in Tarc-A level in class AN10A.
We are Johnny, Jeff, Long and Kee An. We create this blog is to share our happiness or our lame stuff to everyone of you. Please introduce ur frenz to come n visit our blog. Hope you all enjoy the lame stuffs in this blog.
Below are the picture of three of us in class:
We are Johnny, Jeff, Long and Kee An. We create this blog is to share our happiness or our lame stuff to everyone of you. Please introduce ur frenz to come n visit our blog. Hope you all enjoy the lame stuffs in this blog.
Below are the picture of three of us in class:
The Black shirt with specs is Jeff, the one brown shirt with specs is Johnny,
the white shirt is Kee An and the black shirt is Long.
We are from An10A , more picture will be uploaded about us n our lame stuff...
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